Tag Archives: australia

  • Filipino graphic designer working on a logo project
  • Philippines – Outsource Virtual Assistants

    11/10/ 2022 | USource | Australia, Outsource

    Outsource Virtual Assistants Australian Businesses > Philippines

    Start Today - Get a Quote Filipino virtual assistants (VAs) are known for their English proficiency and exceptional work ethic. The Philippines has long been a major hub for outsourcing for Australian based companies, particularly for business processes and back office support. The availability of a larger pool of talent is another great benefit. You access a large pool of highly-skilled and educated workers and a wide range of talent. Specialisations aren’t hard to find, and both trainable newcomers and industry veterans fill the Philippine job market. Australian businesses outsourcing to us tap into these technical experts. Take back your time and boost your business.

    Get started with outsourcing these tasks to the Philippines

    You can outsource a wide range of tasks to virtual assistants in the Philippines. Filipino specialists have a diverse skill set, providing support for your existing teams or becoming a formidable team of one, depending on your needs.
    • Administrative tasks
    • Customer service
    • Telemarketing
    • Data entry
    • Social media management
    • Digital Advertising
    • Google Ads
    • SEO
    • Data & Analytics
    • Copywriting
    • Graphic Design
    • Development & Automation
    • Email Marketing
    • 24/7 Digital Support

    The advantages of outsourcing to the Philippines

    Robust social media

    Known for their strong English skills and entrenchment in social media, Filipinos excel in social media content creation and engagement. Hire our specialists for content plans, consistent post schedules, and prompt engagement with your communities and peers on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and everywhere you want to establish roots with your audience.

    Neutral accents

    Philippine VAs are known for their neutral English accent and their ability to understand various regional accents. This is a valuable skill for providing excellent customer service without the friction of language barriers. At USource, we have mock calls to analyse and polish enunciation and responses that can adapt to all situations.

    24/7 customer service

    Your customers/clients get the help or answer they need when they need it. When they can connect with your brand directly, this results in quicker resolutions, decreasing churn and building loyalty over time. USource staff are well-versed in interacting with consumers in a variety of contexts, across all channels, email, chat, or phone.

    Data entry and transcription

    Data entry is another task that can be easily outsourced to the Philippines. This is a time-consuming task, but something you still want to be done well. There are unique delicacies in data entry and transcription that we cover in our security compliance policies. Scale up or down and outsource your data entry according to your need.

    Stable and secure administrative tasks

    All your back office and networking tasks like email management, meeting scheduling, inventory, document organisation, platform updates and bills payment, and so on. These tasks are often seen as low-value, but they can actually be essential and very time-consuming for business owners in the United States. Outsourcing these admin tasks gives you more freedom and energy for growing your business. USource specialists are the engine room for clients in Australia, the US, the UK, Canada and other countries in Europe and Asia, reliably performing admin tasks that help keep the business running in the background.

    Get tasks done while you sleep

    The time zone difference is a huge positive component. You can have round-the-clock coverage for certain time-sensitive tasks and values like customer support and responsiveness. Assign admin tasks and they’re ready and done in your morning.

    Your quick guide to hiring your team from the Philippines

    Virtual assistants based in the Philippines are becoming increasingly valued by international business owners. We get glowing feedback from our clients through our versatility and dedication to our work. Our range covers basic and accurate data entry to more complex tasks like market research, sales, and analysis. There are a few simple steps to hiring a virtual assistant in the Philippines: 1. Decide what tasks you want to outsource. We do have a brief you can fill out to make this easier, but we’ve also had instances of premature engagement: the client wasn’t ready yet. The clearer you are with your objectives, the sooner and better we can work. 2. Prepare an onboarding meeting. When you outsource to us, it’s that simple. You don’t have to scour through hundreds of applications. Now all you need to do is onboard your specialist/s. Talk about your company, your goals, and your SOPs. Everything can be condensed in a single document we can consult and update as we work with you. 3. Be clear about your SOPs. This is important because it unifies your entire team and results in consistent outputs, exactly the way you want them, not just internally but customer-facing when it comes to your brand voice. If you don’t have one, we can help create this SOP for you and streamline your business processes.
  • Philippines Back Office Administration

    11/10/ 2022 | USource | Australia, Outsource

    Outsource Back Office Admin Australian Businesses > Philippines

    Start Today - Get a Quote Back office administration serves as the lifeblood of your business. The front desk represents the company to the outside world, the public face of your company. The back office is your engine. It can be tempting for Australian based companies, small and bigger enterprises alike, to handle most of these tasks in-house. But this is a huge time-suck especially for startups with teams better focused on growth and strategy. Enter outsourcing. Reap the many benefits of professional services without the time and financial expense of employing a permanent staff. Australian businesses can grow steadily and sustainably with your offshore team helping your onshore team accomplish more.

    Get started outsourcing these back office tasks to the Philippines

    Back office administration contributes to improving customer experience and provides seamless operations and accessible resources for sales and client-facing teams. Back office support can include, but is not limited to:
    • Trust & Safety. Account and identity verification, content moderation, community guidelines are critical to online brand management and safety of your customers, members and digital properties. When compliance, trust and safety for your business requires human involvement speak to us.
    • Accounting. This includes handling your accounting platforms and staying on track of your accounts payable and accounts receivable. Payroll administration can also take a huge chunk of your time and better in the hands of specialists when you have other important things on your mind. At USource, we can use platforms like Bill.com to simplify and streamline your accounting.
    • Data entry. This includes tasks like entering customer data into your CRM or updating product information on your website. It’s important to have accurate and up-to-date data so that you can make informed decisions about your business.
    • Human resources. Recruiting, onboarding, and training new employees. It also includes managing employee benefits and performance reviews. Human resources can be a full-time job, so with a growing team, it’s important to have someone dedicated to this task.
    • IT support. Setting up new computers (remotely), new accounts and maintenance, troubleshooting technical issues, and managing your website. IT support is essential for the digital world we move in.
    • Marketing. Creating and managing your social media accounts, developing marketing campaigns, and designing promotional materials.
    • Customer service. In the background, back office tasks for customer service can include email forwarding, supplier liaisons and meeting scheduling, organising tickets on platforms like Freshdesk, Zendesk, keeping a data sheet for recurring and resolved issues, etc.

    The advantages of outsourcing back office duties to the Philippines

    More focus on your core business

    Non-core tasks include marketing, accounting, human resources and IT to improve efficiency and reduce expenses. Focus on growing your business with a team to support you and your existing team.

    Improved Customer Service

    When customers have a good experience, they are more likely to come back and recommend your company to others. Good customer service is essential for any business, no matter what product or service you offer.

    Lowered Costs

    Outsourcing provides an opportunity to reduce the costs associated with running a business. This is because outsourcing companies can provide services at a lower cost than if you were to perform the tasks in-house.

    Access to Skilled Workers

    When you outsource back office administration to the Philippines, you have access to a pool of highly skilled workers, fluent in English, making it easier to communicate with you and your team.

    Improved Efficiency

    Outsourcing can help improve the efficiency of your business. Delegate daily and repetitive tasks to specialists. At USource, we can also recommend tools and processes to streamline the way you work.

    Reinvest in your business.

    If you're looking to expand your business, outsourcing provides the financial footing and flexibility you need to make it happen. Or, if your team is maxed out and overwhelmed with transactional work, you can reinvest time in projects that shouldn't have been in the background. 1. Be clear about the back office functions you need done. If you know what you need, we can match you to the right professionals who receive regular training on the latest technologies, tools, and best practices to ensure you receive only the highest quality of service to keep your business competitive. 2. Prepare an onboarding meeting. When you outsource to us, it’s that simple. You skip going through the pain of job postings and trying to filter through hundreds of applications. For onboarding, talk about your company, your goals, and your Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). All these can be condensed in a single document we can consult and update as we work with you.
  • Philippines – Outsource Ecommerce Administration

    11/10/ 2022 | USource | Australia, Outsource

    Outsource Ecommerce Admin Australian Businesses > Philippines

    Start Today - Get a Quote Outsource ecommerce administration tasks to drive growth, profitability and sales. Ecommerce has low barriers to entry. It’s so quick and simple to start, but once your online business gets off the ground you will need help. Your reputation and customer base can snowball overnight. When you outsource tasks, you make sure the snowball is positive: more sales, more happy customers, more revenue. It’s a lot of work, keeping up with customer expectations for quality support. This is why Australian companies outsource their ecommerce back office and customer-facing support to our staff, located in the Philippines.

    Get started outsourcing these Ecommerce tasks to the Philippines

    Ecommerce support runs the gamut of customer service, order processing, product listings shipping along with an endless amount of administration work. Outsource these tasks so you can focus on growth.
      • Product uploads: Keep your product listings updated. Outsource catalog management and go the extra mile with effective multimedia for an immersive shopping experience.
      • Customer support: Answer inquiries and concerns, troubleshoot and offer solutions on technical issues. The faster you answer and resolve, the better your reputation.
        • Live chat support: Customers love it when they can connect with you. Live chat outsourcing is effective in giving round-the-clock, “real agent” responsiveness.
        • Email support: We help our clients set up and/or organise helpdesk tickets - Gorgias, Freshdesk, Zendesk. This is helpful in resolving both new and ongoing concerns from your customers.
      • Social media management: Tailor your communication to target audiences across various channels to announce your promos, promote products, increase engagement and strengthen relationships.
      • Quality Assurance: Off-site, our experience and expertise in quality assurance deals with customer communications to gather feedback and take action on customer concerns.
      • Inventory Management: We help with tools and platforms so you have a bird’s eye view of your inventory, which products move fastest and slowest, and the latest emerging product trends.
      • Order Processing: Helping you list all of your transactions and endorsing you to a more streamlined process of managing client orders.
      • Shipping and logistics: Get help with security, tracking, signature, specialty, and customisation of express services from our staff so that your packages reach customers on time and in great condition.
      • Accounting and Bookkeeping: Our skilled team can assist with accounting platforms to streamline your books and help you stay on top of fiscal deadlines.

    The advantages of outsourcing Ecommerce tasks to the Philippines

    Neutral accents

    Filipino VAs are known for their neutral English accent and their ability to understand various regional accents. This is a valuable skill for providing excellent customer service without the friction of language barriers. At USource, we have mock calls to analyse and polish enunciation and responses that can adapt to all situations. .

    24/7 customer service

    Decrease churn and build loyalty through lightning fast responses, whether on chat, tags on social media, or email. USource staff are well-versed in interacting with consumers in a variety of contexts, across all channels, email, chat, or phone.

    Cost-efficient task coverage

    Outsourcing is a competitive business investment. You accomplish more tasks and spend less than the average costs for hiring in Australia.

    Scalable and flexible

    Ecommerce has peak and off-seasons. Upgrade or downshift according to demand. Our clients in Australia have entire teams or a single person managing their business tasks, as needed. Our specialists are also available night and weekend shifts to provide 24/7 support or work with Australian time zones and daylight savings changes.

    Your quick guide to hiring Ecommerce support associates

    Identify your priorities. Think of what your business needs and what you want to achieve. Have a thorough run-down of the tasks you need to outsource. What’s most urgent? What’s eating huge chunks of your time? The right agency, like ours, will assist you in getting those tasks underway with the right people and the right number of hours. Set your budget and timeline. Do a little research to have an estimate of how long certain projects take. Or you can talk to us, and we can ask for relevant information and based on that, give you estimates according to our years of experience. As a rule of thumb, fast and good are not cheap. We have packages you can customise to your needs, and we can also work with your proposed budgets as much as your timeline. Find your best match. We make sure our clients work with specialists who can jive with their task preferences and company culture. Always give thorough feedback so your specialist can make changes if necessary, and deliver work the way you want it. Our repeat clients often hire the same people, or we train someone new and make sure the transition is smooth and invisible.
  • Philippines – Outsource Social Media Management

    11/10/ 2022 | USource | Australia, Outsource

    Outsource Social Media Australian Businesses > Philippines

    Start Today - Get a Quote Social media never sleeps. Outsourcing your social media management helps you connect with your audience through regular posts and timely responses. Engagement is more than likes and replies but riding the wave of current events in your niche. When you own a business, you don’t have time for that even if it’s also important and beneficial. Depending on your industry, social media can be a huge undertaking that moves the needle for one or more of your KPIs. Join a host of other Australian based companies who leverage the Philippines' large pool of highly educated, English-speaking social media specialists.

    Get started outsourcing these social media management tasks to the Philippines

    Some of the popular remote roles placed with social media management include:
    • Social Research and Planning: New features, market trends, or upgrades in technology. Trending hashtags and current events you should chime in. Your audience demographics.
    • Publishing and Managing Organic and Sponsored Posts: Content calendars with themed and impromptu posts for consistent and relevant online activity. We can convert or support your ideas and expertise into attention-grabbing posts and valuable content through effective captions and graphics.
    • Social Media Copywriting: One-liners and long-form posts both have their own powers in audience engagement, persuasion and conversion. We look at your business’s values and unique selling points.
    • Social Media Graphics: A visually-strong business presence showcases the uniqueness of your brand and our team of graphic designers are equipped with creative and engaging marketing tools that can help you connect with your audiences better.
    • Analysis and Monitoring: We can use these insights to define your content strategy and determine the results of your business efforts.
    • Brand Consistency: A unified message helps everyone understand your proposition and improves customer experience and brand awareness. We help our clients establish a unified theme across all social media channels.

    The advantages of outsourcing social media management to the Philippines


    Social media management can be cost-prohibitive in Australia. Outsourcing to the Philippines has a significant cost difference, without compromising on quality. Build and maintain your online presence at rates far better than the hourly or package quotes you’d get from freelancers or agencies in the US.

    Access to best practices

    Clients come first in all aspects of our operations. Our team stays up to date with the latest best practices in inbound and outbound marketing in social media.

    Custom, scalable solutions

    Depending on your objectives, you might decide to hire just one short-term social media professional, or you might decide to quickly assemble an entire offshore team of marketing experts. We help clients during both off-peak and peak spikes in activity, like seasonal promotions.

    English fluency

    Filipinos are adept in the English language. Aside from Australian businesses, our clients are based in the United States, UK, Canada and other English-speaking countries around the globe.

    Security compliance

    At USource, our clients entrust us with their social media accounts and we take this responsibility seriously. We have compliance protocols in place to make sure your accounts stay secure.

    Your quick guide to hiring social media specialists in the Philippines

    1. Define your social media goals - What KPIs do you want to achieve? Defining your goals will help us strategise. Aiming for a certain number of followers would have a different action set for a goal of more engagement. 2. Do your research - At least some research to match platforms and timelines to your goals, or which pages you want to imitate or differentiate from, if any. This gives you a good foundation for style and tone. We can also make suggestions after you give us your brief. When you outsource your social media to us, that’s it. We can finalise details and start work from there, with a discovery period to smooth everything.

    Boost your social media today.

    Focus on other important aspects of your business without neglecting your online presence. Your target customers will look for you there, so you need to be there to meet them.